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[I Am A Babe!]

I am a babe!

She says she is independent and strong, but right now, life's no bed of roses for MTV VJ Donita Rose. Newly single, she is now waiting for the new Mr Right. Shawn Tan gets in line.

Donita Rose Ramos Cavett has had one cookie too many. At the photo shoot for gatecrash, she moans from time to time about how much weight she's gained over the Lunar New Year holiday.

As a VJ, looking good for the camera is part of the game. Lucky Donita owes her striking features to an American father and a Filipino mother.

Born on 5 December 1974 in Utah, she eventually moved to the Philippines where she made a name for herself in the film industry there before joining MTV Asia. She now hosts programmes like MTV's Most Wanted; MTV Asia Hitlist; MTV Jams and MTV Select.

As the camera flash pops, she laughingly tells the photographer that she wants "him" to see what he lost. Who is this "him"? Is our cover girl unlucky in love?

ilove bad boys

What were you saying about men? I've always had a boyfriend. I went out with my first boyfriend [a well connected Filipino actor] for five and a half years and then we broke up. My parents, who are really strict, didn't like him. He was a typical bad boy.

Aren't women always attracted to bad boys? Yeah. I was attracted to him because he was a bad boy. He was also one of the most sought after actors in the Philippines then. He had a perfect body. The fact that my parents didn't like him helped (laughs). Women go for the bad boys when they are younger. I think I've matured a lot since then - now I go for the ugly ones!

Which part of a man's body do you find sexiest? Everything. I've always been one to take a man's physique very seriously. My last boyfriend was cute. He used to go to the gym. Funnily enough, when he began to put on weight, I found myself loving him more. Whenever I saw his love handles, I just wanted to bite in.

Now that you're single, I'm sure that there are more that a few eager suitors. My second boyfriend was very sweet but he wanted to be a professional basketball player. I wasn't sure whether I could see myself with him in the long run. My parents also didn't approve of him because they thought he wasn't good enough for me.

Then I met my last boyfriend. For the first time in my life, here was somebody I could really see a future with. And then he goes and dumps me! I've never had this done to me before.

When did this happen? A month or so ago. He is a very successful businessman. He's young and highly intelligent but he's very chauvinistic. Perhaps without him realising, he always asserted that he was right whilst I was wrong. He wanted me to be very submissive. I believe in submission when you get married but before marriage, a girl had every right to do whatever she wants.

Don't you think even in marriage a girl still has her rights? No. I think the man should be the strong one in the relationship.

waiting for mr.perfect

So I guess you are attracted to strong men? Yes. My ex-boyfriend was sweet but he lacked the firmness and strength I was looking for. I was stronger than him.

I guess it's a turn on for some women when a man takes control things. Yeah.

So what kind of men do you like? I like someone who is very secure with himself and also in his relationship with God. I want someone with a heart to please God because everything will revolve around that. I don't have to worry about him cheating on me.

Do you see yourself in a long-term, monogamous relationship? Oh yes. I'm looking for that right now and I'm not going to compromise. I believe that God has already planned someone special for me. I'm not going to go out and date people who I don't see a future with.

I'm very caring and I always like attention. I'm very affectionate. I like to give out a lot of love - I've always got my arm around my brother and sister. I'm longing for someone to take care of. Someone who will love me back just as much.

So you are on the lookout for that special someone. I'm not looking. I'm waiting. I'm really apprehensive about relationships now. But not having a boyfriend gives me more time. I've never had time for myself and I've always fancied the notion of being single; but now that I'm actually single it's very hard - especially in Singapore. If I were in the Philippines it would not be a problem because I have my work to keep me busy.

So it's tough being single in Singapore? Well, I used to do more stuff for MTV but now; I'm basically doing nothing. Without a boyfriend, and with so much time on my hands, I've been forced to take up new stuff and go out with new people. I don't like going out in big groups though. I'm most relaxed when I'm with just one person.

You don't like big groups? Yeah. When I was younger, I had the time of my life. Being in the entertainment industry, there were always parties to go to. I've passed all that stuff now. Part of the job in the entertainment business is to network. I'm tired of it. I would rather stay at home, cook, watch a movie, go to the gym or play sports.

marry me!

What next? I can't wait to get married. I've had my fair share of fun and my dreams have come through already. I fulfilled my wish of working for MTV and I've even done an American movie, Legacy, with David Hasselhoff. I started working when I was 15. I want to take it easy now. I think I've been working too hard.

You once said that nothing will stand in the way of your career to Hollywood. How do you feel about that now? I still want to go to Hollywood but not for myself. I hate having to audition and sell myself to people. I feel like a piece of meat. I want to make it in Hollywood to make my fellow Filipinos proud.

You also said you wanted to get a college degree. I'm 25 now and when the time does come when MTV Asia doesn't renew my contract, I will go back to my studies. Looking at how educated Singaporeans are, sometimes I feel insecure. You have to be really up to date and very knowledgeable to hold a good conversation. I feel bad when I don't know what people are talking about. Maybe that's why I don't like to socialise so much.

How do you like to be described? I'm a babe. I'm independent and strong.

How does being a babe assent with you being religious? I want to show people that being religious can be cool. You can really make God a big part of your life without sticking to rituals.

Why is religion so important to you? Having a faith keeps me sane in this crazy industry. I feel my mission in life is to spread the gospel and media is a good medium for such a goal. I might actually stay in the entertainment business to do more mission work.

(taken from GATECRASH.COM)